Making Lovely Connections

Well, after a couple of days away, we are back for an exciting, fresh new year in Lyttleton Gardens.  I (Manu) was lucky enough to spend a few days on the South Coast, and met gorgeous Sarah from Popes Produce in Wonoona. 

Sarah and Ben grow beautiful, chemical free produce from their one acre back yard. It was really inspiring to visit their small scale farm, teeming with fruit, veg, flowers, chickens and more. Like us, they have a vegetable garden and a productive, small orchard/food forest. Their annual vegetable garden is surrounded with nectary flowers, perennial soil improvers and compost accelerators such as comfrey. 

I also met Lizzie from Piccolo Farms in Picton. We talked about seed saving, plants, heirloom veggies and quails! It was lovely and inspiring to meet other fellow food growers, who also believe in growing and distributing chemical-free food locally. 

We have a wonderful event coming up, aiming to bring local organic backyard food growers together  to share information, seeds and cuttings. It will take place on Friday, January 27 from 6 to 8pm. Both beginner and experienced growers are welcome!

Sarah and Ben's beautiful zinnias in the Popes Produce market garden

Sarah and Ben's beautiful zinnias in the Popes Produce market garden